來自泰國曼谷Airry,被泰國時尚圈稱為近代最藝術的男體攝影師,泰國演藝圈與模特兒界流行一句話,凡被Airry拍攝過的新人必紅,可見Airry在泰國時上攝影界的份量 !
Airry此次拍攝健身教練男模MINO,犬顏無害系,搭上健美體格,真想讓人躺在厚實的胸膛,隱約中感受巨根的魅力 ! 希望大家喜歡 !
肌肉控 ! 巨根控 ! 讀者不能錯過 !
此系列寫真特別版照片均為Airry設計原始呈現,本社無任何特殊處理或加工 !
中文版頁數比泰文版多出20%頁數,獻給台灣懂得欣賞泰男的你 !
Haruehun Airry is one of the youngest successful Thai photographers noted by Attitude magazine, in its first Thai language issue.
A number of amateur male models in various countries have been introduced to the entertainment industry through his photography.
Haruehun Airry is not only the photographer but also the producer for PRIVETE SPACE .
He prepared almost 20% more pages on each issue for our Taiwanese readers.